Orkumálinn 2024

Stage of uncertainty due to the risk of mudflow

The National Commissioner of Police, in consultation with the Commissioner of Police in East Iceland and the Icelandic Meteorological Office, has announced a Level of Uncertainty regarding the risk of mudflows in East Iceland.

November has seen a high level of precipitation in the area and the groundwater level is high where it is has been monitored, in Seyðisfjörður and Eskifjörður, and it can be assumed that it is generally high in that region. Considerable rain is forecast over the next few days, particularly on Thursday and Friday. Tonight’s weather will be warmer and the snow that fell today will melt. There is a risk of mudflow under these conditions and it may increase during the rainfall over the coming days.

In particular, the risk of mudflows in Seyðisfjörður is being monitored with monitoring equipment that has been installed there. This November, movement has been detected in Neðri-Botnar and Þófi. The biggest movement has been on Búðarhryggur, but that area saw a lot of movement there last fall. Not as much movement has been detected off the ridge.

The Icelandic Meteorological Office is monitoring the situation closely 24 hours a day and consults with the Civil Protection Department of the National Police and the police in East Iceland. Posts about readings and assessment of conditions will also be posted here regularly https://blog.vedur.is/ofanflod/


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